Flexibility, responsibility, and control.
New School System
The new school system will function like this: The student has total freedom of when to go to class. There are requirements of ten classes to attend per week. Each class is 4 hours long with two “half-hour” breaks for food and socialization. The first 90 minutes of time covers sight to sound instruction with a “reader”, reading written material on an smartphone in conjunction with an tablet. Each desk is equipped with an smartphone fastened onto each desk for each student. The smartphone contains numbers that are punched in by the student, in order that the smartphone and the tablet function together for this first 90 minute period. There is a half hour for food and socialization. Then the next 90 minutes consists of “homework class”. This part of the class is “problems” assigned to each student to solve. All problems are clearly associated with the previous 90 minute period of sight to sound instruction.
Teachers stand in the front of the classroom and wait for a student to raise their hand for assistance. The teacher walks over to the student and offers assistance of “one on one” tudoring for as long as the student needs, to understand the new concept of learning. Mass amount of TEACHERS ARE AVAILABLE FOR THIS PURPOSE. Then teachers grade this homework. Each day, this homework is available at a “homework window” for pick up from students. That is a teacher’s job in total, grading homework and tudoring students. After this 90 minute period of tudoring students, there is another half hour break for food and socialization. This constitues one class.
The advantage of the new school system is that school is open to use Monday thru Saturday with these hours of operation: 5AM to 9AM, 9AM to 1PM, 1PM to 5PM, 5PM to 9PM, and 9PM to 1AM the next day. Also a student may choose to put in more time than ten classes per week. Any student may choose to put in another 5 classes of time one week, in order to have “that time off” during the next week, meaning 5 classes only would be required from that student the following week. This is accomplished so that the student can plan work events and fun events during their time off during that one week. Improvements to the current system of education: Headphones supplied to each student with each Ipod, hear far more effectively than a teachers voice. Often times a teacher cannot be heard because their voice does not project to the back of the room. Students socializing in class disrupt the quiet. With this new system, the only talking is from student to teacher during homework class. Student to student talking is banned and replaced with the half hour breaks for food & socialization. An added plus to this proposal of education is from local news reports. They reported that tablets given to each student, would be cheaper for the government, than purchasing books. Attendance is done electronically with a student I.D. card, upon entrance into the classroom. There is a 1 foot square digital clock that is located above each door jam to each classroom. Students use this for approximation of entrance to class. If a student tries to enter class past the digital clock time, the doors are locked and a student must wait until the next time period that is offered.
There is a library that students can use to do additional homework and constructive activities if they do not arrive on time to class. Also, above door jams to the classroom, is a body detector that counts students as they enter the classroom. This detector shows the remaining seats left in that room. There is also a proof of “social equivalent” activities, based upon attendance only. Each student will be provided many different choices to engage in social activities. Some of them are: school clubs, lectures in the school auditorium, football games, organized parties, and dances. Each student will slide their identification card upon entrance to the activity, and gain credit for their attendance. This is valuable for colleges to consider before offering acceptance to their institution, otherwise the “ten classes per week” attendance and tests administered for that material suffices the requirement for a high school diploma as well as graduating from elementary school into middle school, and from middle school into high school.