Progressive Pay system
Treasury Cash Vouchers
This invention is concerned with achieving “same-day” pay on a sliding fee for all hourly wages that are divisible by three. In other words, $3 per hour, $6 per hour, $9 per hour, $12 per hour, $18 per hour, $21 per hour, $30 per hour...........and so on. This sliding fee goes up and up and up, depending upon the agreed wage from the employer to the employee. The government receives 15% of each hour worked which enables the employer to pick up checks at a government office that are equivalent to these proportions. At this point, the only thing the employer has to do, is put in a name by hand writing. Then the employee can take this voucher and use it as cash because the government already got their taxable income from the employee and their work.

I calculated a number that is close to 15% on all sliding fees divisible by three and these are the results: $3 turns into $2.50, $6 turns into $5, $9 turns into $7.50, and as you can tell, each divisible number by three is translated into a pay of $2.50 so that the government gets their taxable income from the employee and this math is applied to all hours that were worked from that employee. In order to provide ease to this new operation of pay, it is suggested that the employer hires workers for four hours at a time or eight hours at a time so that these vouchers end on a certain number of pay.

If this becomes possible and workable in the economy, then employers can go to a government office and get these cash vouchers that look like a check, and pay these employees at the end of the day FOR WORK the same day. There are three phases of operation that make this new voucher so attractive. The first is that companies can “try-out” employees on a temporary basis and observe their work before they are hired permanently. The second is that kids age ten to fourteen can be paid for easy jobs at $3 per hour and still make $20 by the end of a full work day. The third is that this money can be used at any United States corporation, and accepted as cash because the government already got their money from the employee.